It’s been a hot minute since I shared an Obsessed rec, and I’ve been using the product I’m about to enthusiastically endorse regularly for several days, so I feel it’s my obligation to share the savory love.
I feel strongly about salt. Because I suck at updating stuff, my Instagram bio still says something arch about salted butter (which I prefer to unsalted), and few things in life bring me more joy than sprinkling Maldon sea salt onto a thickly buttered baguette, bowl of pasta, or my morning peanut butter and jam toast (I’m telling you, it’s delicious).
A few weeks ago, jogging at a highly specific pace—fast enough to avoid being assaulted by a solitary horsefly but slow enough to avoid melting into a human puddle due to the fact that New England weather for the past month has been SWAMP—I listened to Jacqueline Novak describe a salad on Poog. She described each ingredient in detail and made several “mmmmm” noises, which made me crave a salad, which isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to make someone crave. Salads can be boring. They can be sad. They can be profoundly unsatisfying. They often (in my experience) require a Special Ingredient. Goat cheese, toasted pine nuts, artichokes, and olives are all Special Ingredients that can make an otherwise uninspired lunch something to savor.