MILFs, Plumeria, and a momfluencer purchase that holds the fuck up.
Plus Gwen Stefani whyyyyyyyy.
My Christmas tree is still up. It’s more dead than it was last week, but I’m still dragging my feet on taking it down. There’s something sad about all the adorable felted animals living in a huge tupperware container for the majority of the year, and I miss the central glow of light in our living room once its gone. Maybe the answer it buying a potted indoor tree and keeping it lit up all year long?
I finished Sirens and Muses and really loved it. There’s something so satisfying about reading fiction centered around lost twenty-somethings because I can still relate to being a lost twenty-something in my fucking bones but I’m far enough removed from that period of my life to feel a sense of escapism from the reading experience. The same can’t be said for novels centering motherhood no matter how beautifully written!
About to start
Friend of the newsletter, Amelia Morris recommended this one, and I’m psyched to dive in. Anyone else read it?
I’ve only read a few of Louise Penny’s Three Pines books, but I love a cozy mystery and I love Alfred Molina so obviously I’m loving this.
A purchase I made under the momfluence that was Totally Worth It
In Momfluenced, I write quite a bit about All the Shit I’ve Bought because of momfluencers, and some of these items have assuredly not been worth it (the $200 marble run that was supposed to provide hours of quiet children but which my kids played with exactly once?!) but some of these products have been worth it. So I thought it might be fun to share some of these Very Good Things with you. It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway - I’m not a momfluencer, and receive nothing whatsoever from sharing these links and prods other than the fun and satisfaction of swapping recs for stuff that has improved my life in whichever or whatever way.
Ok! Onto a thing that was Totally Worth It!