Cynthia Loewen self describes as a traditional wife. She is also a content creator, sharing her thoughts about “pursuing excellence as a feminine woman,” on Youtube, Instagram, her blog, and Twitter.
Loewen loves making aprons, reading books like Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide To Winning The Culture Wars, and “choosing to be a joyful wife and mother.” As one does! She also recently reviewed Evie’s Raw Milkmaid dress, and what she said revealed more about tradwife ideology than any other think piece or op-ed or deep dive I’ve come across.
In her video about the “backlash” to the most fun dress to hate that’s ever existed, Loewen argues that the Raw Milkmaid dress “sparked debate” amongst Evie devotees because of the high price-point, the revealing cut, and the dubious quality of the fabric. None of this is particularly illuminating if you spend a few minutes on Evie’s Instagram post heralding the dress.
But towards the end of the video, Loewen says something that completely stopped me in my tracks. Something that everyone invested in dismantling trad propaganda needs to understand. And paradoxically, it’s something feminists and tradwives can agree on.