I’m writing this from my bed. My sheets are faintly damp from a fever-sweaty night (went through 2 shirts!) My humidifier is firing away, my bottle of ibuprofen is sitting sentinel on my bedside table, my husband is in Florida, and all three of my cherubs are suffering in varying degrees from the same plague I have!
I’ve called my house The Infirmary since LAST MONDAY when patient zero went down but truly who’s counting?!
How are you all doing, and what are you all doing to get through the sick season? (LOVED this guide o’ sickness from
btw - lots of good recs in the comments)So. Who’s had to cancel travel plans because of a positive Covid test? Who’s had multiple viruses in one household AT THE SAME TIME? Whose winter birthday has been coopted by the norovirus? Who has purchased stock in Kleenex? Whose children have morphed into actual screens?
*****If you need good vibes to wash over you, I HIGHLY recommend Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris. Definitely my high point of the last two weeks.
Can we check our ableism here? While I appreciate that being sick for a matter of days or weeks is a total drag, especially with kids in tow, this type of banter is realllllly challenging to ingest for those of living with chronic illness. This is our life! Daily! And for those of us with Long Covid, hearing an able bodied person winge about not being able to go on vacation because of a positive Covid test is just fingernails on a chalkboard. It's high respiratory season b/c people are unwilling to protect themselves and one another. You can do your part to change that and that would make for a far more relatable read for those of us stuck in this liminal space of illness for who knows how long. Chronic illness vent sesh commenced.
We are in a quademic right now,(RSV, Covid, Flu and Norovirus) and yet, masking for our health has disappeared. Yes, I still mask everywhere in public indoors. I have not been sick with a respiratory illness since 2019.
Every link broken in the chain of transmission matters!