Oh god, just all of this.

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Thank you. So exhausted by all of it. I love the honesty here.

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Yep. This. All of this. Said literally almost all of this to a friend the other day. I won’t join anything else and will be with the shit ones I’ve been with since the beginning until they die. And I won’t mourn them when/if it happens thanks to Elon, Zuck or the internet apocalypse.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Sara Petersen

Feeling a lot of the same feelings on social media and have been on a lot less lately but also got on Threads. I didn’t auto follow all the my instagram followers and am trying to connect with the other writers I enjoyed interacting with on Twitter there but trying to find them is a little more chaotic/time consuming. Mostly want to be on social media less though so I get this!

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Oh that Extraordinary Machine cover gives me a particular ache. ❤️

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Yes, to all of this! I loved old school Twitter and made genuine life long friends there and found most of my first paid writing jobs there. It was great for me, personally and professionally, and I don't want to quit there (as much as I hate Elon and what it has become). I like Twitter because it was the writer's medium on social media (images are fine but you didn't need them in the way you do for Instagram) and I found so many writer's I love there. I don't have the bandwidth or desire to Spill, BlueSky, Thread, Twitter, Mastadon, etc... but I also want to grow the audience for my Substack and I'm not totally sure how to do that without cross posting my work to other platforms.

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I quit Twitter when I saw on the news that Elon Musk was buying it--that same exact day. I didn't have much of a presence on there, so it wasn't much of a loss for me. I rarely post on Instagram anymore (I made exceptions for when Momfluenced and Fat Talk arrived though), and usually only use Facebook to network shelter cats. I completely get how a writer needs what certain platforms offer, but I'm a nobody, and an old one at that--I just don't have the time or patience for one more thing that I'm just going to quit later! When I heard about Threads, my first response was "Nope," and still is.

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