I’m thrilled to be collaborating with one of my favorite local bookstores, Water Street Books on signed preorders!
If you would like the book personalized with a name or special message (I will totally write “Fuck Mother’s Day” or “American Motherhood - WTF” or “Ideal Motherhood™ is a scam” or maybe just “aksd;flkjasd;lkfja;sldkfj”), please let Water Street know in the order comment field. Books will be signed before the release date (April 25th, 2023) and will be shipped to arrive roughly on release date. Water Street ships media mail (free) or Priority mail (not free) within the US, and internationally as well. Exclusive Momfluenced sticker sheets (pictured below) will be included with each preorder while supplies last.
I’ve written about it before, but preorders are enormously impactful to a book’s success. Preorders indicate advance interest in books, which inform how many copies bookstores buy and also which titles they feature more prominently in shop windows or customer outreach. Preorders affect whether or not Momfluenced pops up on Amazon and other online retailers’ home pages (which, of course, increases visibility). Every single preorder also counts to a book’s first week of sales, and that first week of sales typically dictates whether a not a book will make bestseller lists. Lastly, preorders create industry buzz, which leads to more marketing and publicity investment from my publisher, which leads to more media coverage on podcasts, TV shows, print media, and public radio.
I’m already noodling on book #2 ideas, and the success of Momfluenced will ultimately impact my chances of getting book #2 out into the world. Preorders matter so very much and I SO APPRECIATE any and all of ‘em.
One more ask (I am very greedy) - we’re starting to think about Momfluenced book tour plans, so if you’re interested in attending a Momfluenced reading or event (virtual or in-person), let me know via this form. I’d love to see you!
I pre-ordered the second I could!