Still struggling to find the perfect gift to celebrate the mama in your life this Mother’s Day? What she probably wants most of all is not quiet or solitude or bodily autonomy or affordable childcare or paid leave or gun control or comprehensive maternal healthcare or a book interrogating the bullshit of a country which “celebrates” mamas one day a year with bathrobes and platitudes while simultaneously failing to support the people doing the “most important job in the world” every other day of the year.
What she wants most of all this “Mom's Day” is to be categorized!
Mamas, it's your time to shine! Wantable has dropped the ultimate collection of Mom's Day Themed boxes. Let your stylist set you up for an elevated everyday - from the carpool lane to brunch with the fam and beyond. 😍
WE ALL LOSE SLEEP OVER WHICH KIND OF MAMAS WE ARE, RIGHT? We’re all spending adequate brain power assessing how we might impress our children with our sartorial prowess when enjoying “brunch with the fam,” right? And which one of us hasn’t struggled to “elevate” the “everyday?” (surely one of the most pressing issues of OUR TIME). 1
Let’s consider the mama options. Major props to Wantable for being so progressive and recognizing that there’s not just one type of mother in the world. There are four! Allyship in action!
As indicated by the above image, you can wear a blousy top and proclaim to the world that you are a “trendy mama.” If you decide to be this type of mama, obviously it goes without saying that you must also move through the world with one hand jauntily anchored to your hip at all times.
Does your hand feel insecure resting atop your hip without any type of restraint? You can wear layers and put your hand in your pockets, thus solidifying your status as a “casual-chic mama.”
Or maybe you want to maintain a casual vibe but can’t decide if you should tie your shirt around your shoulders or around your waist. If you’re searching for a happy middle ground and like to be described as “wistful yet athletic,” committing to a life of “on-the-go mamahood” might be for you. This type of mamahood is also accommodates mamas who need to occupy both hands rather than just one.
Feeling left out of all the zeitgeisty convos centering maternal burnout? If you’re getting too much sleep and simply can’t conjure up authentic mommy exhaustion, apply your full face of makeup PER USUAL, slip into some floral jammies, and be proud to call yourself a “tired and cozy” mama. Nothing feels more aspirational than the word “tired!”
At Wantable, we celebrate each mama’s individuality and know that no matter what kind of mama you are (trendy, casual-chic, on-the-go, or TIRED AND COZY), you’ve got “mama needs” which (just like your identities!!!!!) can be neatly contained to one garishly hashtagged tote.
Do not relate to that “tired mama” who is apparently not too tired for a full face of make up and perfectly done hair 😜
Also important to note that all versions of the mama must be thin and white!